19 Mei, 2010

Benefits of Breast milk

At my post, I want to write down information about the importance of Mother's Milk.
Sometimes Most of the young mothers after delivery they do not know if it is important breast milk for babies. they prefer milk powder, rather than breast milk. Yet unlike the content of powdered milk Breast milk. Breast milk is more complete. Content in milk powder can cause the baby usually allergic or diarrhea due to contaminated with the bacteria. Now we know that if breast milk is better than powdered milk. Why is that?
We know that.
1. Lactose
As sources of energy, as the main carbohydrate, increases the absorption of calcium in the body, stimulates the growth of Lactobacillus bifidus.
2. Protein
Has a function for the regulator and the builder of the baby's body.
3. Fat
Functioning as penghasi calor / primary energy, reducing the risk of heart disease at a young age.
4. Vitamin A
Vitamins are very useful for the development of infant vision.
5. Ferrum
Substance that helps the formation of blood to prevent the baby from the disease less blood, or anemia.
6. Taurine
Neotransmitter good for brain development of your child.
7. Lactobacillus
Inhibit the growth of microorganisms in the baby's body can cause various diseases or health disorders.
Inhibit the growth of fungus candida and bacteria Staphylococcus adverse health.
9. Lysozyme
Very useful for reducing caries dentis and maloklusi and can break down walls of bacteria are harmful.
10. Colostrum
Substance is important that contains many nutrients and substances the body's defense infants against infections.
11. AA and DHA
Substances derived from changes in the omega-3 and omega-6 that serves to fetal and infant brain development.
So that's the reason why mother's milk is better than milk powder. So now, if you, your daughter, or whoever the woman after giving birth to give your baby breast milk. In order for your baby is healthy and smart.
Priyo Dwi-Indo.

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